Friday, March 6, 2009

My dear nephew

There is a good news! Ok la I know it happened two weeks ago but I still want to say here...

I GOT NEPHEW ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And seriously he damn cute. Although I not really like child but I love him! Really~

But I rarely see him awake coz he KEEP SLEEPING!! I kacau him till I also tired already he also dun want wake up...Arrrrggghhhhh

Here are some of his waken photo

So cute!

After that......


She found me kacau-ing him!


Ok sleep back again

U know this is only his BOUNCER not the cot ler...Damn big=.=lll

Blek *Close Up*

P/S: My parents coming on KL tomorrow!! I going to celebrate my mum's together with her! So excited and I really can't wait for their arrival! Yippie!:D


Satkuru said...

ola aunty crystal :P

very cute ... suddenly so many people becoming aunties and uncles already :D

黑妞的妈 said...

wey..u wan some other interesting pictures or not..i bluetooth you 2ml dutchlady look..indian dance look etc...

Wann said...

so cute~~ i want to touch his face..haha

Andrew said...

LOL!! congratz!! hehhe =D

crystal250886 said...

satkuru, stop calling me aunty crystal *blek*

ya meh? not that good as i think:p

crystal250886 said...

黑妞的妈, u just bluetooth me 1 only ler..

the indian dance 1 i dun got larrrrr

crystal250886 said...

J1, come come kl i let u touch:p

crystal250886 said...

Andrew, thanks!:D